Saturday, April 28, 2007

Baby Shower

Tot Teetering Teeter-Totter

I got to hang with some of my oldest bestest buds on Saturday and all of their kiddos. My friend, Nicole, of "Faith and Bella" blog fame, is due in May with her third child, a boy, so we got together for a baby shower and for party time afterward. Party time pretty much means the kids ran around like berserk-o-heads, frolicking and having a blast while the parents sat in lawn chairs drinking beers. My kind of party. We had a great time.

From left to right sit Luke, Bella, Andrew, Faith and Ally
Two handsome men, three lovely prinsesses... Good odds, boys.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Look at me, ladies! I've got my own wheels now!

Last weekend we bought Luke his first tricycle, which he calls his "bike". He adores it. It is a super cool Radio Flyer trike with a handy basket on the back and very masculine tassles that hang off of the handlebars. We bought an old fashioned sounding bike bell for it and attached it to the front (not pictured) and he rings it while he cruises by. He rides it up and down our street and can now hang with the cool big kids and their bikes. They all play together in the culdesac and they like to show Luke all sorts of big boy bike tricks like popping wheelies and catching air off of their ramp. He's not quite to that skill level yet, but he practices every day. Bikes are the coolest!

Here mama, let me haul that away for you.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

Here are some pictures from our visit to Nana and Grandpa's house over Easter weekend. The Easter bunny visited Luke there and left him all sorts of goodies. Colorful plastic eggs full of treats were hidden in the grass and bushes, and Luke seeked them out like a professional treasure hunter. He had a blast and we had just as much fun watching him. We don't know why the Easter bunny didn't leave us bigger kids anything- must be age discrimination.

Here is footage from Luke's first training session for hunting Easter eggs. Looks promising...

Alright Luke, this is the real deal- This is where your training has brought you. It's YOU vs the Easter Bunny... GO!

And the young human stalks his prey, then attacks!

Wow, there is stuff inside the eggs! So... bunnies lay eggs of goldfish?

Wait a minute... bunnies lay eggs of ducks? I'm so confused...

The Easter bunny also brought Luke an awesome Easter basket!

Sweet, a basket of toys and snacks! How does the Jesus part fit into all of this?

Monday, April 02, 2007

Bluebonnets and Bubbles

Hurry up Mom, these flowers are itching my bum

It's that time of year where the bluebonnets are blooming! This is a monumental time in Austin, where even the newscasters report bluebonnet sightings so that the wildflower enthusiasts can catch a glimpse of their beautiful blanketing of hillsides. A couple of weeks ago we took these pictures in the first crop of bluebonnets on the sides of the very romantic drainage ditch near our house. We plan to get better pictures soon now that the rain has subsided and all of the Texas wildflowers will be in full bloom any day.

Here Dad, this bluebonnet tastes delicious

Annual required bluebonnet pose. Pretend like you like it and smile.

And here are some other pictures from that day...

If I close my eyes nobody can see me... peekaboo!

Luke and Dad in matching outfits

Me and my shadow enjoy some quality time together

Where's Lukey?

Mt. Bridgeway, elevation 2

Luke and Martin knock back a couple of cold ones

Luke loves to blow bubbles. If he sees the bubble container in the house, he is unrelenting in his demand to play with the bubbles. He points to the container and clearly says, "Bubbles! Bubbles!" and it's pretty tough to resist, so we play bubbles a lot. He runs around the yard chasing them, squealing "Bubbles! Bubbles!" and it is very cute. He likes to blow them himself but often ends up with the wand up to his mouth and the bubble soap all over his lips. And then he is able to blow bubbles with his mouth which he thinks is a pretty neat trick. Almost as neat a trick as blowing bubbles in his milk or in his yogurt, which makes much more of a mess and is, therefore, the most fun trick of all.

Bubble boy

Mom said these two bubbles resemble mitotic cell division. My mom is a geek.

Don't make me choose between going to see the train or watching bubbles!