Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

Here are some pictures from our visit to Nana and Grandpa's house over Easter weekend. The Easter bunny visited Luke there and left him all sorts of goodies. Colorful plastic eggs full of treats were hidden in the grass and bushes, and Luke seeked them out like a professional treasure hunter. He had a blast and we had just as much fun watching him. We don't know why the Easter bunny didn't leave us bigger kids anything- must be age discrimination.

Here is footage from Luke's first training session for hunting Easter eggs. Looks promising...

Alright Luke, this is the real deal- This is where your training has brought you. It's YOU vs the Easter Bunny... GO!

And the young human stalks his prey, then attacks!

Wow, there is stuff inside the eggs! So... bunnies lay eggs of goldfish?

Wait a minute... bunnies lay eggs of ducks? I'm so confused...

The Easter bunny also brought Luke an awesome Easter basket!

Sweet, a basket of toys and snacks! How does the Jesus part fit into all of this?

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