Friday, June 16, 2006

Taking a stand

Luke has started pulling himself up to a standing position all on his own lately. He first did it on a step ladder I was using to change a battery in a wall clock. He was sitting near the ladder while I was on it, and after I finished up and walked off I turned back and he had pulled himself up to standing on it all by himself. I was so shocked. He does it all the time with us helping him, but this is the first time he'd done it alone. Later in the week he pulled himself up on his big bear chair- see the pic below. I guess we really need to get on that babyproofing thing...

Don't worry Mom, I'll save you from this big, scary bear!

In other news, Luke has yet to say "Mama" after mastering his first word, "Dada". He has completely skipped over me, alphabetically speaking, and instead says "yaya" and "zhaa zhaa". Come on, Luke- come play in the middle of the alphabet! That's where all the cool letters hang out.


Anonymous said...

Luke is clearly interested in hanging in Dallas with Uncle Jesse at Hotel ZaZa.


Anonymous said...

As someone whose name also starts with one of those pesky middle-of-the-alphabet letters, I totally agree that that is where all the fun names hang out. M-power.

Melissa Treadway