Wednesday, February 21, 2007

18 Months of fun!

Luke turned a big 18 months old this week. This particular month-birthday seems like a bigger deal to us than the other recent ones. It just sounds like a milestone-ish age, like he's now more of a kid and less a baby. I guess it helps that he looks like a kid- he visited the doctor today for his 18 month checkup and weighed in at 28 lbs 8 oz and measured 34 1/2 inches long, in the 80th and 95th percentiles, respectively, so yeah, he definitely doesn't look like a baby anymore.

Here are some pictures to prove it:

Donuts from Krispy Kreme, part of your nutritious breakfast

Luke helps wash the cars by denting them with his toys

And then kicking his feet up to relax. Get back to work, minions!

I'm 18 now, can't I get my drivers license yet?

Dad said "don't ask" when asked how he scored these Mardi Gras beads on 6th St.

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