Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Happy Halloween, bwaa ha haa!!

During the last week that Granny Svoboda was in town she carved us a pumpkin for Halloween and bought mom and baby little devils costumes. We outfitted the babe with his costume and the pumpkin with a candle for a dress rehearsal while Granny was still here. You can't tell from this picture, but it was pitch black outside minus the glow from the pumpkin; hence, Luke was blinded for a good thirty or so minutes after this photo op, poor kiddo.

That Saturday after dropping Granny off at the airport, we dressed up in our best 1950's duds for a themed party at the Weiss house. I demonstrated my mad hot glue gun skills (my friend Jaime would be so proud) and spruced up a vintage poodle skirt (not pictured, unfortunately), and Louis channeled Dean Martin. As you can tell from the pic, we were the bad parents who brought a baby to a party. But after a martini or two Luke just slept through the whole night, so he was no problem at all. Lightweight.

As Halloween grew nearer, the folks in our neighborhood really got into the spooky spirit and decorated their houses and yards. On one of our walks, the hair on Cactus' back stood on end and she started to growl deep and slow. Danger! DANGER!! And as I saw what she was reacting to I about fell over laughing... see picture below.

In the same instant I was so proud of Cactus for wanting to protect me and the baby from the evil villian about to pounce on us. To get a better look at the "man", we ventured closer onto the sidewalk but Fearless Cactus did not follow, and instead pulled away to the other side of the street forcing Luke and I to fend for ourselves. As soon as we walked a few steps back away from the man, Cactus' fierce bravery returned, growls, teeth snarling and all. But then as I stepped closer to the scarecrow again, well, you get the idea... Good thing Luke's Jedi training is coming along well. After fighting the blue killer horses from outer space, this was a cakewalk. South Austin is safe.

Then Halloween came, and in an effort to regain her reputation as Fearless Cactus, it was time for her to don her killer man eating shark costume. So scary!

The trick-or-treaters we receieved, having fine palates of course, dined on their choice of an array of delectable goodies- Reese's peanut butter cups, KitKats, and Sugar Daddies. Mmm mmm good. We greeted each guest with devilish Luke in our arms, always to delight and squeals, especially to the parents accompanying their kids. What a ham.

Can't tell which is scarier- devil tongue or man eating shark's vicious teeth!!

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