Sunday, November 13, 2005

Luke's Product Review

As Luke is getting a bit older he is showing interest in the toys that he previously never noticed he had. In the last few weeks he has really gotten into his bouncy chair that Aunt Kim bought him. The chair has an aquarium display filled with water, fishies and lots of bubbles, and there are two plastic fish that hang down from the display. There are two functions to choose from, one that plays different songs and lights continuously and one that is controlled by Luke's movement.

What do you mean the square root of -1 is an imaginary number?
If the fish that hang down are kicked or otherwise moved, or if the whole thing bounces, then fun sounds are played and the fishies swim and bubbles are released along with bubble sounds. I refer to this particular sound as fish farts. Anyway, Luke LOVES to play in this chair set on the kid controlled function. He flails his arms and legs, arches his back and gets the whole thing a-rockin'. It's like a video game for babies with little to no limb control. He gets a look of concentration on his face like he's solving complex calculus problems. Each time the bubbles come on he yells out one of his few noises- either an "ah-goo" or a pre-squeal. Very cute nontheless.

His other new fun toy is the Deluxe Jumperoo that Aunt Yasmine bought for him. It is a freestanding seat on four springs in which he can push off the floor and bounce like a kangaroo. On the lowest, shortest kiddo level his feet barely touch the ground, so we put a phone book under his feet. He can get much more grip that way. It took him a few minutes to figure it out the first time, but then he started standing, shaking his hips and bouncing a bit. He got so excited at what he was doing that he started yelling out like he does in his bouncy chair. Each time he is in it he bounces more and more and squeals in pride at his mastery of the jumperoo. It won't be long at all before we can remove the phone book booster step, what a big boy!

So that's what my legs are for!

In other big boy news, Luke now faces forward in his Baby Bjorn. He seems to really enjoy this position, and instead of quickly falling asleep while facing our chest on our walks he now looks around and stares at the trees and flirts with the passerbyes. Here he is pictured with Louis on our very first forward facing walk.

Wow, this is a much better view than your hairy chest, Dad.

1 comment:

j.w.cohen said...

Ahhh. I envy you Lou. I'm so short, that I'm eating Gabby's hair everytime she's in the bjorn!