Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Food, glorious food!

This weekend we decided to further expand Luke's refined palate and give him his first taste of, well, anything. Until this point he has enjoyed exclusive VIP status at mom's All Boobie Cafe. Now he can add delicious rice cereal and veggies to his repertoire. Luke has shown intense interest lately in any food we eat in front of him, following the fork or spoon from the plate to our mouths seemingly without blinking. He showed similar interest in the rice cereal he received as his first meal, although you'd never know it judging by the amount that actually made it into his mouth, then stayed in his mouth, then actually was swallowed. In between bites he started sucking the food off the the highchair table with better success than eating it off the spoon. I was sure less than 1% of what was presented to him actually made it to his tummy, but judging by the 'end result' I can say he must have swallowed more than it appeared at the time. Now, you might be thinking, why must they comment on poop? Well if you are reading this then you have at least a mild interest in the daily goings on in the Svoboda household and Luke's poop is a surprisingly common topic of conversation. So, now you can feel just like you are here with us!

Rice cereal? This is what all the excitement is about? This takes like cardboard... maybe just one more bite...

And water? Is this a joke? Cardboard and water?!

Sweet potatoes! Now that’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!

Hey kid, remember our deal, 'accidentally' toss your food on the floor and I’ll clean it up for you...

Here's a pic of Luke's other favorite pastime- playing with his toes. He likes to stare at them and hold them, and he tries to suck on them and succeeds only if his belly isn't too full. He loves his piggies.

I don't know when these little piggies get the time to go to this so-called market. They're always here when I look for them.

1 comment:

ZParents said...

Yum yum yum! Best nibble on those toes while they still taste good. Not so tasty once you start walking or wearing shoes full time.