Sunday, February 05, 2006

Smokin' Superbowl Sunday

We had a bit of excitement Sunday morning at our house. As we were enjoying the gorgeous weather and anticipating the Superbowl that evening, we smelled something funny... and it wasn't Luke's diaper. It was smoke. The smoke alarm started blaring and we quickly scrambled to find out from where the smoke was coming. Room by room we looked and smelled but we never saw a fire, and the smoke started to clear once we opened the windows and turned off anything we thought could possibly be the culprit. We called the fire department to help us determine what was going on, and over the phone they told us they suspected the motor of our air conditioner/heater unit was to blame. They said they'd be here right away to check it out, and mere minutes later we heard sirens getting closer. It felt pretty dramatic knowing the sirens were headed for our house. The fantastic firemen and women checked out the place, and, after doing some tests with their fancy instruments, assured us that everything was ok but to have the AC/heater evaluated by a pro.

A nice policeman pulled up soon after the firetruck and a crowd of kids on their bikes soon circled our driveway. They, along with Luke, were all given their very own City of Austin "Police Pal" badges, and Luke enjoyed feeling like one of the big boys. They all thought the firetruck was very cool.

We were very grateful that this did not end up turning into an even scarier scenario, and we must take this opportunity to remind all of our readers to check the batteries in your smoke alarms and make sure they are working properly. You just never know...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yikes! makes for a nice story though, except for the part about the AC being on the fritz. that frightens me. jesus man, summer is right around the corner. make haste! isn't their an ME in the house? don't they know a little about heat transfer and cooling?