Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Barton Springs drool

I love swings- yipee!!!
(Check out my cool shoes- thanks Aunt Ariane!)

We enjoyed another fabulously beautiful weekend... however, as I write this it is raining and thundering and pretty gloomy. But, Saturday and Sunday were great nonetheless. We spent the afternoon at Zilker Park and Barton Springs and had a grand ole time on the playground and down at the water.

Me and Mommy, the coolest girl I know
(not that she's writing this or anything)

Austin is awesome

While hanging out near the water, we plopped Luke down and he watched the birds and other people playing in the vicinity. He then started playing in the mud, which he loved. But then he started to put one muddy hand in his mouth- "no, Luke, don't eat the mud". So he tried to put his other muddy hand in his mouth- "no, Luke, don't chew on that muddy hand either". We eventually succumbed to the inevitablilty of the situation and elected to photograph the crunchy munchy mess. See picture below.

Umm, wait a minute... this tastes like dirt


ZParents said...

Yumm -- dirt snacks are the best! Free, funfilled, tasty finger paints!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you've had some gorgeous weather! We FINALLY had a spring-like day yesterday. It reached 60+ for the first time this year! Woo hoo! The bad news was that Gabby napped for an amazing and never before heard of 3.5 hours, so our beautiful afternoon was somewhat wasted (although Mom certainly enjoyed the free time)!