Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Six Months Old!

February 18, my half- birthday! Woohoo!

Wow, it almost seems like a month has gone by since Luke turned five months old. To celebrate his half-birthday, we introduced the little guy to two of God's finer creations: fire and chocolate; specifically, chocolate brownies decorated with half of a candle. Unfortunately, he's not allowed to eat brownies yet so the adults had to help devour it. And unfortunately for the adults, a half candle melts very quickly onto a pan of brownies. Luke said it was proper revenge for not giving him any of his own half-birthday treat. He'll have to wait for his full one-year shindig for that privilege.

Hee Hee... FIRE!

Aunt Kim and Uncle Scott came to visit that weekend and helped us party down. They witnessed Luke's hearty appetite at dinnertime as he opened wide for spoonful after spoonful of delicious carrots, sweet potatoes, and prunes. Mmmm prunes (he loves 'em). Then they got to witness (as did we for the first time) what happens when his little eyes are bigger than his littler tummy- he pukes it all back up. In Mommy's lap. It was a pretty accurate re-enactment of The Exorcist pea-soup projectile vomit scene, sub the orange veggies for green peas. He hasn't been introduced to peas yet. Thank goodness, whew! That would have been freaky.

That following Monday Luke had his 6 month checkup with the doctor and her mean needle- stabbing nurse, but luckily this time there were only two shots to be had. He weighed in at an even 17 lbs and measured 27 inches in length, which is in the 50th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Gordo!

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