Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dr. Luke Svoboda: Infant Scientist

In an effort to influence future enrollment, the University of Texas conducts "experiments" on infants under the ruse of measuring cognitive responses to various stimuli. The "study" began by applying a thinking cap to Luke's noggin and injecting him with some sort of truth serum to ensure an optimal response... (well, it could have been truth serum)

After Luke was properly caulked up, he was shown random adult women faces, some more attractive than others. The electrodes in the cap were measuring his brain's response to the faces, or so that is what we were told.

Just before the cap was removed, information from various Google databases were uploaded to his brain. He is now fluent in seven languages and can move objects with his mind.

I know Kung Fu

Of course, Luke's mind is not easily influenced and he has no problem expressing this via his freshly enhanced non-verbal communication skills (otherwise known as sticking out his tongue).

Ain't no one can break me

1 comment:

Erin & Arthur said...

Dr. Benny Jurroughs AND Dr. Luke Svoboda? What a family of brainiacs!